Thursday, June 5, 2008

Great service – but spare the explanation

I had some great service at the restaurant I just ate at. I told the server she did a great job and joked she needed an assistant. She then got into this big long rant and description of how the person who was supposed to come in didn’t come in, and that she didn’t know she wouldn’t have help but got through it even though she works better when she knows she doesn’t have help and is busy. I really wasn’t that interested in her story. I just wanted my bill and to pay so I could go sit and write about eating, not talk to the person who gave me the food I was eating. Anyway, she probably made some good tips on the day, but she didn’t need to talk about it.

Her one downfall? She called everyone honey. Why do female servers think they can get away with calling men honey? There is only one person who can call me honey (food gal). Is it me or does the server calling men honey usually look like she has a rough edge to her? Like she smokes too many cigarettes, used to drink a little too much (she still smokes at least a pack a day though), and has had bad luck with men? I don’t get it, don’t call me honey. Then again, I guess it’s better than “sir” which makes anyone feel older than they are, even if they are old.

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