Random Musings:
Just ate the new Subway Reuben sandwich. I should have known better. It was luke warm, even after being toasted and I tasted more bun than corned beef and kraut. Worth the try, but won’t eat again. Grade: D
I saw one woman stand in a line of about 10 people for a bag of chips. I wondered if she had lunch back at the office or if she just wanted chips. I pegged her for a vegan, so who knows what she was eating – probably carrots and chips.
While getting a Sports Weekly to read while eating I saw for sale, oxygen. Seriously, does anyone buy this? I think they should market meat in a can. Don’t have time for a burger, get your fix with meat in a can. It could spray out like cheeze whiz or something.
Speaking of meat, you ever noticed chicken gets the shaft? Besides poultry, what else is chicken called? Chicken – that’s it. But with beef there is all kinds of variations including steraks such as ribeye, t-bone, porterhouse, sirloin, or hamburger, etc. For pork there is pork, ham, bacon, etc. For chicken there is just…chicken. No other name. Weak.
The 4th of July is approaching and to me there is no bigger waste of money than fireworks. I’ve had two people tell me they are having parties where one bought $2,500 of Class A fireworks, another bought $400. Why, I ask? Especially since fireworks haven’t evolved in…ever? Seriously, with technological advances and all the new things out there, how come fireworks never change? They are always the same. Ooohhhh, ahhhhh, blah blah blah. I’d much rather spend the money on food. I’d rather say to my friends, come on over, I got $2,500 of Class A top choice steak ready to fire on the grill. We can all stand around and watch it cook and say “oooohhhh, aaaahhhhhhh.” Or, we could spend $200 on some good food and some good drink, that way when we oooohhh and ahhhhh we can have a tasty buzz and slur our words a bit. I wonder what oooohhhh aaahhh for fireworks sounds like a little slurred? Try it out this weekend and let me know.
Bottom line, fireworks are overrated, and the money is better spent on food and drink.
That’s all, happy Fourth!
PS – I heard that sound the other day, the “tick tick tick tick”…..”tick, tick, tick, tick”….what is it? It’s the sound of the gas grill when you know it is getting low but hope you don’t have to refill just quite yet. Fortunately I didn’t run out of propane – just yet. It's got a few more tick tick ticks left.
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