Friday, October 3, 2008

Food Guy's Food Quirks

Everyone has food quirks. Here are 10 quick quirks of the food guy:

1. I love tomatoes, and can eat them plain (with a little salt), but don't like tomatoes on my sandwiches, or hamburgers.

2. I like bacon, but I don't like bacon on a burger or a sandwich.

3. I was at Subway the other day and got some oil on my tuna sub. I asked the guy what it was and he said it was vegetable oil. Then I thought - who really puts oil on their sandwiches at home? Let's see, mayo, mustard, cheese, lettuce, tomato...vegetable oil? Weird. I would do it again at Subway, but never at home.

4. I like lettuce, but not on my sandwiches, unless it's from Subway or Jimmy John's. If I make a sandwich at home, I don't like lettuce.

5. Do any of you count your swallows when chugging a glass of milk? It takes me about 14 swallows to chug an average glass of milk. However, I will never finish the chug on 13 swallows, so if I do get close to the end, I'll take two small swallows to get past 14. I wear #13 in softball sometimes but don't want to drink 13 chugs to finish a glass of milk.

6. I like milk in my cereal (duh!)...but I don't like drinking milk when eating my cereal. I am not talking about the milk in the cereal bowl, but just a glass of milk with my cereal.

7. When I was a young food guy I used to make my mom make me grilled cheese sandwiches without the cheese. Today, I eat them with cheese.

8. I won't eat lunch - no matter how hungry I am, until I have something to read. I don't get those people who just sit and eat and stare off at the surroundings around them. Or those people who eat in a car in a fast food parking lot - especially when it's 90 degrees and they have no air conditioning.

9. I will only dip my steak in steak sauce. Food Gal on the other hand, pours the steak sauce all over the steak. I don't get that. I like some bites plain, and some bites with steak sauce. It depends on the steak, because sometime sauce isn't needed. For me, the better quality, no steak sauce. The worse the quality, steak sauce is needed (like if you have steak and eggs for breakfast from the local greasy spoon - the meat is usually a little tough so steak sauce is needed.)

10. I like ketchup on my scrambled eggs, but I was thinking this morning, why do people only put ketchup on scrambled eggs, but not on over easy/fried eggs? I would never put ketchup on my eggs over easy, but prefer ketchup on scrambled eggs.

Those are 10 quick food quirks of the food guy. Look for more in the near future. Until then....EAT!!!

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